For a while I've complained that there is no truly neutral news service here in the UK. All the newspapers have their own slant, and so do the TV news bulletins. Even the newspaper "The Independent" has it's own opinions. We just can't get unbiased reporting. It struck me as a gap in the market.
Until today.
Watching the headlines over breakfast I realised why there are no unbiased news services. Because no-one would watch or read them! I of all people should have worked that out long ago.
It's basic human nature. We gravitate towards the media services that will confirm our view of the world. And the media services trumpet their own view so that we know where to find them.
A truly neutral media service would appeal to no-one. It would be insipid and colourless. We'd have nothing to agree or disagree with. It would be "interesting" in all the wrong ways, and nothing more.
Brands are just the same, as I've said many times in this blog. We have to give our targets something to agree or disagree with. that's how they decide if they're in our audience or not. That's how they decide whether to buy or not.
Unfortunately, too many people try to be 'inoffensive' and 'nice'. We fear putting people off, but we end up not getting anyone excited about our services.
So, what are you most passionate about? What is the one message you want to get out in your business that would polarize your audience?